Adventures of Humans vs Superhuman Creatures is a game about humans travelling in the forest, trying to escape from superhuman creatures, for example, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches & Shapeshifters.
The concept of this board game is a combination of Snakes and Ladders with Monopoly. This board game is played with a pair of six-sided dice, two sets of dual cards, and one set of cards containing weapons and powers—eight tokens in the shape of humans.
Characters: This board game has several characters (vampires, werewolves, witches and shapeshifters).
Vampires: drink blood to survive. They can be killed by power from witches, venom from a werewolf's bite and a wooden stake to the heart.
Werewolves: are humans that can transform into a wolf with venom teeth. A silver blade can kill them to the heart, or their heart pulled out by a vampire. They hunt for vampires, but they can get out of control and threaten humans as well.
Witches: have the power to cast spells.
Shapeshifters: can use shapeshifting abilities to transform into any human body. They can be killed by a silver bullet or a blade to the heart.
The board game is suitable for 13yrs+ and 4-8 players per game.